
Writing a CV

Recruiters receive dozens, even hundreds of CVs. It is best if yours lands on top of the pile instead of at the bottom. So, here are a few rules for you to follow. Learn how to highlight your assets and your experience, and adopt a clear structure. Follow these 10 tips for a promising CV. […]

Self Marketing On LinkedIn

Do you want to build your visibility on LinkedIn? Wondering which LinkedIn features can help? LinkedIn can help you build a professional presence that showcases your work to the people you most want to connect with. In this article, you’ll discover five free ways to help you build a personal brand on LinkedIn. #1: Optimize […]

Creative CV’s for industries

It seems that the humble 2 page word document just doesn’t cut it for those creative jobs anymore, standing out from the crowd is a must for those that want to bag the best opportunities. We have raided the Guru archives and found these amazing examples of highly creative CVs highlighting candidates who have gone […]